The Power of Inclusivity in the Arts - A Conversation with José Ochoa

The Intersection Podcast | The Power of Inclusivity in the Arts | Jose Ochoa

“When we say the arts are not diverse or that ballet is the foundation of all dance forms, it's actually doing us harm by being exclusive; by disregarding the art forms of people, by disregarding the voices, by disregarding what makes us individuals and what makes our communities special,” José says.

José Ochoa is the Founder of The Chicago School for the Arts (ChiArts) and now the President of ChiArts Foundation. He is determined to break down barriers in the arts which have historically held back people of color.

In this week’s show, José talks about why ChiArts was founded, and what challenges it faced at its inception. He discusses how they became the most diverse arts school in the country and the inequalities that artists of color face in the industry.

Tune in to listen to José, and then let us know: how can each of us contribute to equality in the arts?

Please share your thoughts in the comments.


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