The Power of No Excuses

The Intersection Podcast | Ify Walker | Nancy Harris

This week, I’m speaking with Ify Walker who is the Founder and CEO of Offor, the talent broker company. Offor is dedicated to challenging how executives of color are hired, promoted, and paid in the United States. Over the past several years, 90% of the new hires Offor has matched have come from black, asian, or latinx backgrounds. Ify is an attorney turned entrepreneur, driven by her desire to give people of color fair opportunities in the corporate world. She speaks about Offor’s mission, gives insights about racial injustice, and debunks myths surrounding people of color in the workplace. Two such myths are that the lack of diversity in the workplace is attributed to the lack of talent in communities of color, and that hiring is a meritocracy. In reality, research shows that companies hire people in their networks, and that the majority of white Americans only know one other black person. 


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